Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Kidney stones SUCK

So I have kidney stones. I got them first last year, and I hear they come back flaring up every year or so. I now drink a nice stinging shot of lemon juice every day because a pharmacist told me that should help keep them smooth and pass easily. I cant give up my sweet tea, so it’ll have to work…

I've gotten back into deadlifts lately. Back in 2012 I did them religiously but now I tend to stay away from them. I’m a bit nervous with them as they can be real backbreakers – literally. I usually just do like 130-180 or so. Not much. If im feeling saucy, I’ll go 220.

Yesterday was national get tested for diabetes day or something. Stay vigilant. Especially if you are prone to being a fat boy like me. Look for the signs of diabetes.

Stay tuned for more ME. Happy belated st Pattys day.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I'll try that again...

Here we go..maybe this pic of stewie will go through?

Getting into Crossfit

Yesterday I started a new Crossfit-esque routine. I did all structural, basic movement exercises. You also work in some carbio, as far as I understand it. Maybe someone else can chime in?


I’m also trying to keep to a high protein, lowish carb diet. Maybe I should say REDUCED carb diet. I don’t want to go crazy with this and go totally atkins induction on it. I’ll keep you guys updated.


Remember: whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right. A little bit of wisdom from Stewie Griffin and some other guy probably.


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